Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's not a tumor!

So they shoot a lot of movies here in Astoria. I'm sure everyone knows about the Goonies. Here's Jake doing the Truffle Shuffle in front of the Goonies house. What I didn't know is that Kindergarten Cop was shot here too. Here's a little rendition of our favorite scene from that one.

We didn't have much of a rest day since we walked about 10 miles all around town. We stayed on 1st St. There was a farmer's market on 12th St. The Goonies house was on 37th. Then there were the seals on the wharf. And we saw Iron Man, which rocked.

Now were' waiting for Andy who should be here soon. Tomorrow, it's off to Tillamook, home of the cheese.

1 comment:

Alfred said...

haha i guess i'm the only one reading your blog b/c i'm too tired after diving to be doing anything else.