Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Heading to Seattle

Well, today's the day I head to Seattle. I got up this morning and would've surely missed my flight had I not actually looked for it online. I really thought it was with US Air but it turned out to be Southwest. Catastrophe averted. That would've been embarrassing.

The plan is to head to Seattle, where Kainoa will graciously pick me up and set me up at his place tonight. Maybe a baseball game tonight with Jake. He was talking Mariners-RedSox. Then I'm putting the bike together so Jake and I can meet up Thursday morning to take the ferry to Bremberton. Then it's off to Astoria to wait for Andy. We should be there by Saturday and Andy should get there Sunday.

I went out with my cousins in Baltimore last night. Brian, Sean, Jason, Zack, and Zeke. It was a blast. Went to the Oriole's game and Captain Larry's. The game was tied at 8-8 when we left at the rain delay. They resumed after an hour and the Orioles pulled it out 10-9. It was ridiculous because the guy was 30 ft short of a game winning grand slam. Here's a pic of us at the game. Maybe if I had asked a nicer guy the picture would've turned out a little better.

And yes, I got a pre-ride haircut.

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